@joyce_carmo said:
Really beautiful piece and concept! I agree with what Kevin said about the left side of the piece. Maybe there's just to much space there that are not needed, and since there's some objects that are lighter, it grabs the attention of the viewer a little bit more than desired. Thinking this way, I would like to suggest a little crop, because for me it would put the kid trying to reach the star closely to one gold point in the image. The way it is now, it's almost at the center and I think maybe you could benefit from the rule of thirds to make it more interesting by cropping the left side a little bit.
Darkening the edges might serve as a type of crop too--it lessens the amount of information and causes the eye to stay in the lighted areas. If this was in a book I think it would be a 2-page spread and if that is what the idea was I don't think it could be cropped.