So I am a new illustrator and I really need some advice on how I should proceed with this first job that I have. I am not sure whether I am being taken advantage of or not...
I am working with a self-publishing author. We have been working on the book for about 7 months. The contract is that I get paid $25 per page of illustration. This month I have finally finished illustrating all 36 pages + the cover. During this whole process, I would submit the work, and he would email me back with a list of edits that he would like me to make. Sometimes the lists would be very long and very nit-picky, so at one point near the beginning, I told him that from that point onward, he is only allowed 2 rounds of edits and then after that the page is complete. He sort of agreed to this, but over time that kind of fell to the wayside and I noticed that he was emailing me with long and numerous edits again but I just kind of ignored it because I just wanted to get the project finished without conflict.
But earlier this month I finished all of the pages like I said, and then he sent out a list in which he went back and found new edits he wanted in the pages since page #1, because he wants to make sure everything is polished before finalizing and printing. I understand that sentiment but it still bothered me a bit because it is taking up my time and I'm not being compensated for it. I can't keep working on this project infinitely every time he asks me to make some new changes here and there. I did it anyway, again, just to be done with it with no drama as I see the finish line just ahead.
So now he is getting ready to do the marketing part of the book. He wants to launch a kickstarter soon. Yesterday he emailed me asking me to edit some character sketches that I did alllll the way back in February that are not actually part of the book. And since they were not pages in the book, they were just concepts, I never got paid for those even though that part of the process took about a month of sketching and communication. He wants to use them for marketing purposes.
So my questions:
Should I ask for payment to edit the character sketches? Since he is using them for promotion and I never got paid for it?
Where is the point where I can be DONE working on this book and he can not ask me to do anything else for him? How do I enforce that?
For future work, how can I limit the amount of edits that are allowed? How do others deal with this? Because very quickly, the amount of time that goes into the illustration outbalances the amount I'm getting paid for that page and it does not seem fair.
P.S. Honestly I'm already frustrated with the author a bit because besides asking for numerous edits AFTER I'M DONE, he has not yet paid me for the last 16 pages of the book and keeps delaying it. At least have the decency to ask for favors after you've paid me for the work I've given to you!
Anyway I need some advice and maybe some pointers on how I should answer the email? Should I keep being a wimp and say okay... or say not unless you pay me?