@corina magical!!
@eli Thank you!
@chip-valecek love how this turned out
@bnewman Thanks! Definitely one of the busier drawings I've done. It was a fun challenge.
@chip-valecek so good!!
@bnewman Looks great, Brad!
@bnewman Thank you
I'm calling it done, I could keep working on this, but I think I hear somebody calling. I would just like to say, Ovals are a bitch! I don't care who you are, I was determined to have a breakthrough with using ovals in perspective, oh and then I got the idea of putting the village in water with little boat taxi's running around. It ended up looking like a mushroom water amusement park. So heres my submission. Chris
@c-davies it’s gorgeous, love how it feels simple yet there’s so much detail and those overlapping ripples are
@lferrara Thanks very much!
@c-davies Incredible! I'd say you nailed it.Your style reminds me a lot of Jean Giraud (aka. Moebius), is he an influence? I like this a lot.
@jeffrey-cameron-suhr great colors. So bright!
@pamela-fraley It's Lovely. Great Job!
@lee-white Here's my first entry ever. It was fun to do.
@c-davies I love the design/colors/characters. Nicely done!