Hi Everyone,
I wanted to circle back around here and show you all how the Cinderella piece turned out. I took the input I had received from all of you when I first posted the original concepts and really reworked it.
Everything is now taking place in a much lighter and brighter room. Still with the large windows letting in all kinds of sunlight (to go with the real lighting that was on the little girl) and I think it works really well. The color scheme of the room also changes to a pale yellow wall and a teal blue looking floor.
The big challenges were getting rid of all the grass along the wheels in the original photo as well as adjusting the tint of the colors that were reflecting off the wheels. In the original they reflect that yellow/green of the grass but now they match the tones of the floor.
Also the client wanted me to make her look as though she has on the fancy somewhat magical dress to help bring more color and shine to the main character. All of the black she had on, plus that black of the chair was really getting lost a bit in a colorful setting. It took me a while to get the illusion of the dress to follow the position of her body (her high knees for example). While you can still tell its a drawn dress and not the real thing I think that works with overall scene, keeping in mind its supposed to look like these kids have found themselves in the imaginary world.
It also took a while to make out that she is holding a remote (with part of the cord showing) in her hand that controls her wheelchair. I left that showing as that is true to her and life.
To keep the scene positive and happy we moved the upset step sisters into the background by placing them outside looking in. I think it works really well to tell more of what is going on in the scene but keeping the focus on the outstanding smile of the little girl.
I really enjoyed putting all of the little mice into the scene and am particularly happy with the two that are on the wheel of her chair.
You will also notice that I redid the prince to make him more upright and clearly looking at her with excitement as some of you had mentioned that was not so clear in those original sketches.
And I know that this work is not fully original in that it has direct nods to iconic Disney characters (without being exact replica's) but I still fully enjoy working on these as they do present so many challenges with lighting, perspective, storytelling etc. And that just helps push me to keep getting better.