So awhile back I asked for some feedback here in the forums on a short memoir comic I was working on for an anthology. Well, that project has now launched on Kickstarter! Take a look:
As you can see there, @Jake-Parker has a print available as one of the rewards for backers too.
It was a really fun project to participate in and I'm glad I pushed through and got it done, despite being very pregnant and uncomfortable at the time ;-). My contribution isn't perfect (FAR from it), but it is FINISHED, so I learned that much at least from our instructors here ;-).
Though its a book by Mormons its really just a collection of interesting/funny stories that have happened to missionaries without much of a religious angle. When you think about it, LDS missionaries are in a unique position to go out and witness/experience interesting things that just don't happen in the daily life of other people. They go to a place far from home to go out and meet people and talk to them FULL TIME, often in a second language. Its a pretty crazy experience, which this book illustrates amazingly well I think.
Anyway, it was a fun project, and since I got some help with it here I thought I'd let people know it had launched. Here's hoping it funds