Escaped octopus
@gary-wilkinson Does this make more sense? I made the bowl and octopus ratio off at first, as its just a reoccurring theme in my illustrations. The idea being, a funny girl thought an octopus would fit in a fish bowl, and the mischievous octopus is escaping, as octopus do. I don't know, I still like the other version, for the simplicity.
@stringfellowart It wasn't so much that the picture didn't make sense, rather that it would have been nice to seen more of a story been told through a single image. I'm hope I'm not making you feel that you have to change the design of what you had in mind with your painting though, as it's your idea and I do like an escaping octopus theme I just felt that you have all of those awesome jars everywhere and they could be used to be an area where the octopus is hiding (or where other octopuses are hiding) to make the viewer also feel like the girl, "where did the octopus go?" in a where's Wally way if that makes sense. It would probably be a bigger payoff for the viewer to have interacted with the painting rather than having the octopus be the first thing you see. At least that is my feeling towards it
I do like the idea of the octopus being way too big for the bowl that she bought for it, which could be the reason it is escaping and the other drawing you made looks really funny so I wouldn't abandon that idea if you like it, maybe the bowl could have been even smaller to try express that theme.
It's looking great though and your artistic style has been well maintained, so it will be a great piece to put in your portfolio!
@stringfellowart cool, cause I really liked the big octopus
@stringfellowart I like how simple this is now. I wouldn't add too many details!!
"We're gonna need a bigger bowl!" Ha!! I also like the bigger octopus. I think it tells more of a story--and speaks to the character of the little girl...
The big octopus is the better choice, he seems to have a personality and the way he is hiding is much more fun
@stringfellowart this is looking amazing.
This is looking really good! They are going to have a super hard time deciding a winner this month.
@stringfellowart looks good! Having the lighter jars at the top seem to give the upper half of the piece more weight, also i'm glad you kept a big octopus
@stringfellowart Lovely work, as usual!
Looks fantastic:)
I love it! And thank you for sharing your process!