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@chip-valecek I know it's not what you are going for, but the big bird looks a little like he wants to eat the little birds. It might be to do with the wide open "oh look food!" eyes. That might be something to consider adjusting. Also how about having the little birds all say 411 at the same time rather than it coming just from 1 bird.
@gary-wilkinson I thought about having all the baby birds saying the 411. As far as the big bird, now that you mention that I can't stop thinking that. What would you suggest, maybe having him looking at the viewer vs the birds? Maybe closing his mouth?
@chip-valecek looking really good!
Chip I feel like the perspective on the pole tops is off it is mostly noticeable next to the nest
@rcartwright yeap you are right, thanks for pointing that out. I will get it fixed.
@chip-valecek Great work! Your painting skills are really coming along.