24 Nov 2017, 11:55

Hi everyone,
As I'm starting to get more work, my frustration grows over how different the colors and saturation can be depending on devices. I've started working on a Cintiq recently but my PC screen, which I always thought was reliable enough (just about), is just completely different to the Cintiq. I haven't found a way to balance the 2, the settings on the Cintiq being very minimal. I'm working blind and I hate that!
So I'm thinking more and more about buying a device to manage my different screens and I have a few questions about them:

Do all illustrators work with one?
How do they work?
How good/reliable are they?
Do they allow you to control colors more closely with every client/publisher? Like passing on information about the color profile so we both work on the same one and SEE the same thing
Which brand/model do you suggest? Since I'm working with a wacom screen, would the wacom color manager be more efficient or can any brand do the job?

Thanks for your help