8 Jun 2017, 17:22

I just wanted to encourage any of you who may be hesitating to post on these forums to go ahead and do it. Even if you feel your work sucks or that your questions are dumb...or whatever. I have a lot to learn but, I have gotten so much great feedback and advice and encouragement here! None of us are perfect yet, that's why we're here. Sometimes it's hard to hear corrections and critiques but that's how we become better. You aren't being criticized, you are being blessed with insights that those who are more experienced or who have honed their skills for detecting problem areas are giving you. I'm almost done with a 30 day watercolor challenge. Some of my work was better than others and I got super burned out BUT, I did learn a lot from others comments. One thing I learned is that I can use my time better, personally, by NOT doing 30 day challenges. At least at this point in my life, I need to build my skills in other ways that are less stressful and use my time better. I have been given advice on where I can better spend my time and what areas might be most beneficial for me to work on. THANK YOU to all of those who have been so willing to share and take time to help me. I hope to one day be able to give back more than I am recieving as I learn more skills and have a better eye for design, etc. Thanks again and to all those out ther reading this long post. Take a chance and start posting!