greetings i havnt posted on here in a long while, thought i better start the habit again. everyones work is looking great, sooo much freakin talent.
i thought id start reintroducing my self by showing ya'll some pieces iv been working on. would love to hear ya feed back good or bad its all appreciated
this is an always ongoing project that i slowly work on in between other work, its currently called "the unfolding story" fitting, because thats how im approaching it. letting the characters and world they live in slowly unfold and evolve, into hopefully one day something magical.
firstly i started with this one after watching the class on light and colour. titled "the bunny king"
than rough sketched a bit to see if i could put him in a different scene. something with a little more action.
was planning on doing a digital version of this but never got around to it.
than i fell in love with stippling. and wanted to see if this character would fit into a slightly more serious illustration,
while still holding onto a sense of childlike magic and fantasy by keeping the bunnies all cute and unrealistic.
and lastly, i wanted to work on another character, started out as a villain idea, but evolved slightly.
this was my first quick drawing of her, i love foxes, so from the start she was " the queen of foxes"
i figured that classic maleficent kinda look was a bit "safe"
at this point i thought maybe shes not the real villain, just maybe a chip on her shoulder, possibly was once close to the bunny king but had a falling out.
so she ended up like this. "the queen of foxes" -acrylic ink and digital tom foolery.
so thats some of the things that have been falling outta my head. more to come.
-Ryan Sutherland