@Yogita-Chawdhary Thank you! This is a traditional drawing so doing edits is a bit time-consuming, but fortunately I use materials that are fairly easy to paint over if I want to. 5 Points to Opaque Paints lol
Looking for a feedback crew as I build my portfolio - Hannah England / Studio Hannah
I will be popping in for critique and feedback as I build my illustration portfolio in the next 2-3 months. I'd really appreciate some consistent feedback friends so I can get notes about the whole vibe of the portfolio as well as feedback on specific pieces. Comment in here to follow this thread and I'll try to keep my posts contained here for interested parties
Here also is an example of a tiny 4"x5" piece I did recently of Helga Hufflepuff:
I've bounced around different kinds of graphic design jobs in the past 12 years, and done some illustration for them, but I've never taken the big, scary jump into actually trying to be a full-time illustrator.
I've found myself in a position where I have 2-3 months of blessed freedom (aka I'm "between jobs") and I want to use it to build my illustration portfolio.
I want to actually, finally be an illustrator. Let's go. Let's do this.
@Hannah-England Hi Hannah! I’m really loving this illustration- your composition and style is really nice.
I made a couple of small adjustments I thought might help. I noticed the left eye seemed a bit higher, so I moved it down slightly to align with the right eye, also moved the nose slightly to the right. Right now one cheek looks chubbier than the other. I tried out two different options for the cheeks, just to balance them a little, depending on which look you’re going for.
The colouring of the illustration is great! I noticed the fire draws attention to itself because it is a bit more saturated than the rest of the illustration, so I desaturated it a touch so that the attention remains on Helga.
Great work overall, and all the best with your illustration career!
@Yogita-Chawdhary Thank you! This is a traditional drawing so doing edits is a bit time-consuming, but fortunately I use materials that are fairly easy to paint over if I want to. 5 Points to Opaque Paints lol
@Yogita-Chawdhary Also, I posted this using my other Google email address accidentally but this is my official account, I may have to re-post this haha
@StudioHannah hi Hannah. First off, beautiful work. To keep it short, I think you can improve the character’s hands. I know this is nit picky lol. Anyway, this is all. All the best.
@StudioHannah You're welcome! It's pretty cool that you're able to draw traditionally. I find it daunting without the undo, lasso, or move tool.
Keep up the great work!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Thanks! You're probably right, though I will say that this is a 4"x5" drawing so it's TINY haha, I can only get so much detail in without the ink getting crazy on me! I'll be doing some larger pieces soon and I'll be able to get more detail and structure in. Thanks for the comment!
@StudioHannah to be honest with you, I wouldn’t have guessed that this was done on a 4x5 paper given how detailed everything else. But this is your piece, so do what you think is best.