1 Mar 2016, 18:25

I think this flows really well. I like that I'm looking down on the horse, but up at the pig. Your composition seems very strong to me. At first, I thought that what is in the wagon was a tree; upon reconsidering I'm thinking they are sunflowers? I'm sure with color this would be more clear. Also, I have horses and so when I see one there are little things that stand out to me. With his ears down, he looks more like a donkey, is this what you want? I would add in his tail, too. I think you would see part of it hanging, or swooshing, behind his back right leg and even a bit of a bump on his rump. Love the detail of the straw in the pigs mouth and his hat and belt...nicely personified. I like this drawing! I'm a little biased as I love all farm things 🙂