@AngelinaKizz I like it have you tried flipping the canvas to see how it looks moving towards the right side?
@Asyas_illos no! I will! Good call!
@AngelinaKizz I like this too. I like did a cool and a warm glow, nice touch. If you have time, I would move the girl or lamp over a bit since the lamp is touching the edge of picture and causing a tangent. The colors are great and lead your eye to the important areas.
@Kim-Rosenlof thanks!!! On it!
I gave her more breathing room, and tried flipping the canvas to see if anything felt off. I noticed a tree that didn’t feel balanced so I added some branches. I’m not sure which canvas I prefer through, facing left, or facing right…
I think with left facing, I see red first and the wolf after. and in right facing I see wolf first and then red. So maybe still left facing?
@AngelinaKizz I would do the right facing. It goes more with the reading direction..first you see the wolf and then the little red riding hood. Otherwise you see the girl immediately and basically stop looking and the Wolf won't be so present somehow.
@AngelinaKizz I will make your choice harder and say that I strongly prefer the left facing. I like that she’s walking in the opposite direction of the reading direction, it makes it feel scarier, somehow…
Love this Angelina! Cool take on Red Riding Hood. I like wolf on the left, girl after on the right. Maybe a subtle blue highlight on the wolf to define him a little more? I know this is down to the wire. I'll be voting for you, phenomenal you are in 3 classes and still found time to put this together.
Go with your gut
@ArtistErin thankyou. These fall classes are definitely much Heavier than the 2 I had in the summer, so major eye opener! Class 1, I have 10 drawings due by Thursday, including 2 fully rendered value study still life's. Class 2, is an illo class, and we need to submit 30 value based thumb nails and 3 favorites enlarged and refined by Wednesday. Class 3 is picture book illo and 3 character sheets, with full rendering is due Monday. Lol.
@AngelinaKizz Wow!!!! Impressive. I cannot imagine the stress. I am sure you are figuring it out. But wow, and still finding time to post on this forum and squeeze in Critique Arena. Good job... Love to see your work when you get a chance to breathe.
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