Anyone want to form an SCBWI conference group?
@lauraa I'm down! I didnt do any of the events last night but I'm on all day today. And I have no idea how to do an instagram multi-chat so you might have to walk me through it lol.
Mine is @joshwhiteillustration
@lauraa Hi, count me in. I'm not sure how much I can follow life due to time difference and babies, etc. But I will try.
IG: joosterwijk.illustration -
@joosterwijk Incoming invite!
@lauraa I'd love to join in your chat tomorrow!
@lauraa I just saw the message now. I am not in front of the computer all the time. But I would love to follow the IG chat
Ok, I think everyone is added now! Sorry, didn't see some of them for a while because I was watching so many screens at once!
Hey! I didn’t see this until just now, but I’d love to join!
Is it too late to be added? -
@deboraht and @AngelinaKizz The conference was over on Sunday, so I think the chat will probably become inactive now. But we can continue discussing the conference here if anyone wants! What did you think? Was it your first time attending? Which sessions did you like?
I still have to catch up with some of the sessions because they happened too late form me to watch them live. As of late last night (Rome time) they had posted most everything through Saturday night, but not the Q & A. So I'll be able to do some catching up today while I work.
I really liked Brian Selznick's talk and it has me reading through Hugo Cabret again! I like the understructure that his books have, in addition to his drawing style, and I like how he trusted his own intuition while working alone during the pandemic. And you?
P.S. Edit: The Q & A is up now!
Although I was late to this one, I am down to do this in the future! I am hopeful that SCBWI will do some in-person events soon if they are able to. If so, I am in the southeast region, if anyone wants to make an illustrator's group at any of the regional conferences.