Ok I enlarged both and tweaked a little I’ll most likely work them both but I’d like opinions on which people like more and if they both follow the prompt. Thanks
Wip tiger 22
@asyas_illos I definitely like the first one more. Feels more dynamic to me.
@theprairiefox thank you for your thoughts
@asyas_illos the first one speaks to me more -- has a more dynamic composition. But what is that strong diagonal line that splits the illustration in two?
@melissa-bailey-0 thank you and that’s the light separation it won’t be there in the final
@asyas_illos Hi Asya, it's really helpful to see your work progress. Thanks for sharing your learning with everyone. I like this idea - it makes me think that the kids have come a long way to find that tiger!
I think your color question depends on your lighting and your intention.
If one part of the illustration ( the tiger ) is green, and absolutely everything else is sepia, I think that can work well to draw attention to that one part of the illustration. I'd choose this option if your intention is to highlight the one thing in a scene that is especially important for the viewer to see and look at first. In your current piece, the colors surrounding the characters but not on them makes them seem unfinished to me, and I don't think you need the tiger to contrast with them so much since it's in the foreground and we notice it easily anyway. If you haven't already, you could try making the image super tiny on the screen and look at the balance of the colors that way.
Secondly, I'm wondering if the white area behind the tiger is a wall? If the wall is that bright, my mind sees the characters being illumined more since there's that much light hitting the wall.
If the white area is a spotlight, I think you could have a lot of fun with that, pushing the highlights and shadows on the tiger. I know this is a wip, so maybe it's just not fleshed out yet, but if it is a spotlight, the light would stream down in front of the path as well... here are some examples showing how you might be able to play around with the softness of the edge of the light.Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. I wouldn't be surprised to see one of your pieces in the top 16 this month or at least in the near future.
@kathrynadebayo thank you for the feed back! And the spotlight images are very helpful, it is a spotlight from directly above and there’s no wall behind it they are still on a narrow path so I was unsure how that light would affect a background that is very far off. I have played with it since and I thunk after seeing your spotlight pics I can tweak it a tiny bit more, and be ready! Fingers crossed!
@asyas_illos This is looking good and I really like how you have a unique take on the theme of tiger. The path and the edge of the light are almost touching and looks like a tangent right now. Also, the composition is almost cut in half. I recommend shifting the tiger and light area to the left a little so it is more asymmetrical. Great job!
This is great. I like the fact you've not just gone with an actual tiger and gone a different route.
@lizardillo thank you!
I watched moana again recently with my daughters and really wanted to incorporate a giant being into the tiger prompt, so with that in mind went with a moana meets avatar kind of thing ,cuz I love avatar the last air bender and why not? The idea is that this girl is doing her thing and calling upon the great tiger spirit on top of this mountain or cliff. But the travesty here is that I know it’s lacking in story. Obviously it’s unfinished, so if anybody has any feedback or feelings on this piece in general please feel free to share with me!
@asyas_illos This piece feels more like the tiger is made of water and the girl is standing right next to a body of water. Maybe it would look more like a cliff if the land can show through the wispy air more?
As for the story, maybe if you had a second character next to her that could tell more of a story. Someone wounded? Or someone ready to attack her?? Just throwing out some ideas!
@lisa-clark thank you I was worried about it looking like water… thank you!
@asyas_illos so here’s before and after adding more cliff below, I’m not sure if it looks more like water now?
@asyas_illos Your characters are so appealing. I am late to the party but I am in agreement with the option that you ended up choosing for the Jade tiger. The Avatar tiger is a cool concept, and the motion and colors are lovely. The glow on the cliffs in the background adds even more drama.