Should you start a business teaching people how to draw when you don't know how?
Art by Iain Davidson
Can you grow an Instagram following without posting finished work? How can you start projects with confidence? And when are you good enough to teach? Jake Parker, Will Terry, and Lee White explore these questions in this week's episode.
As a high school art teacher, thank you for pointing out that at that age it's important that the teacher have at least some skills. Not all art teachers continue to practice art as they teach (I think I'm the only one at my school that does personal work and has a freelance business for instance), but they should be able to show techniques and guide students, whether they want to be an artist or are just taking the class, into realizing their own skill and creativity.
Should you start a business teaching people how to draw when you don't know how?
I don't know if @Jake-Parker was referring to the book or the Steve Martin quote in the last two podcasts.. but if you haven't- everyone should read "So Good They Can't Ignore You" by Cal Newport. I am not joking when I say I have read it three times in the past three months. Its so good you can't ignore it
Great podcast! Was listening to it today while I was working. Got quite a few golden nuggets of wisdom. Always good to be reminded to focus on one aspect of your illustration at a time. "What are you trying to achieve?" Instead of just mindlessly doodling away hoping something good comes from it.
@Jake-Parker great podcast, as always! @Iain-Davidson great podcast illo!
Thank you @Melissa-Bailey-0
With regards to posting on social media, I've notice how anxiety would kick in everytime I had to stay on top of my upload schedule. I do get some job inquiries via dms so I didn't want to let go of instagram.
I've been using Facebook's scheduler app to batch my content weeks in advance and it has help my mental health so much. I have felt like I've gotten less likes and followers since I don't share the post on stories anymore but... I have to remind myself that Iām an artist than an influencer