Our SVS Virtual Studio July ⛵️
I've been away (from here and art in general) for ages as I had a baby at Christmas. She's 6 months old now and I'm ready to start building up my portfolio again! This is a sketchy sketch starting point for a little red riding hood book cover that I've been thinking about for a while. Someone commented that it would make a good lino print but I'm not sure I have the patience for something this big
@K-Flagg Oh so cuute! and I love the style and colors! Congratulations for the prize!
@kylebeaudette The dragons one reminded me a bit of doctor Seuss! (one fish, two fish...) (In a good way!! )
@kylebeaudette LOVE!
I just finished illustrating a book and it's about to go off to print. I quit my part time graphic design job in march to go bakc to be a full time artist, and this book was the main reason I did that. It's been amazing being able to spend focused hours on it, rather than evenings and weekends where you're already burnt out. The author has been wonderful to work for. I cant wait to see it printed!!! Here's the first spread.
@K-Flagg This is a marvelous hedge-spit-roo!
@neschof Maybe gouache resist? I did a few for artshows, and people thought they were lino prints...even when I was standing right next to it saying that it's not. They are much quicker, apart from having to wait until the gouache is absolutely dry. I own big tubes of white gouache (not acrylic) and quart bottles of ink because there is a bit of waste involved. I use hot press watercolor paper and tint with watercolor. This is all in past tense because it's been a few years since I made one, but I used to love the reveal when the gouache washed away (our bathtub still has black stains).
@RachelArmington Ooh, thanks, I've not heard of gouache resist before - I'll have to look into it!
Hey all!
I also want to showcase a project that has been in my back pocket, but I have finally brought myself to it this week. I finished the transcript last night and I am in the middle of editing.
This is a cover design for my new book. What do you think?The story is about a little friendly ghost who is looking for a friend. Unfortunately, finding a friend in a creepy house can be hard to come by. Its only when a few kids come to ring his door bell, on a dare, that he gets his wish.
If you guys are interested in more of my work, please visit my website:
https://daddydudeler.wixsite.com/portfolio -
After two years of unsuccessfully trying to learn how to paint "artistic" watercolor paintings, I am admitting that I'm just a line and wash kind of person. This is a barn down the road from my house.
@Lee-White said on a podcast that he didn't understand why people always painted barns. I've realized that it's because if you live in a rural area, it's the only thing to paint besides trees and cows!
@demotlj Wished I lived in that landscape
@Oana It is beautiful this time of year.
@rachelpenman Love the chicken (a flock lives in our backyard) and just added the series to my list on GoodReads!