New 2 Drawing - Perspective Questions
Hi everyone,
I have never drawn before and only begin to learn to draw now. Been studying perspective but have some curious questions.
1 ) I see some people freehand drawing cubes and rectangular prism without drawing down on paper the horizon line, vanish points. How can you tell if it is in perspective or not?
2 ) I usually can tell if something is in perspective if the parallel lines are angled and converge. But how about if the vanish points is so far away how would one be able to tell if the cube/rectangular prism is in perspective or not?
3 ) When sketching let’s say a cat, how would I make sure I sketch it in perspective? Would I have to make guidelines where I draw the head, body all inside a cube/prism?
Thanks, sorry for the noobness....
@Only-The-Real-Survive Have you taken any of the courses offered here at SVS? There is a curriculum set up for you to start at the basics. In regards to drawing objects in perspective, personally, I've kept a sketchbook since I was a small child and drew all day every day. It's all second nature now. Practice practice practice.
@Only-The-Real-Survive There’s nothing wrong with questions like this - they are as legitimate as any other.
I’d definitely recommend that you check out David Hohn’s class on perspective here at
1- As for drawing accurate shapes without physically drawing guide lines first, that comes from consistent practice. After lots of practice, our brain goes through the steps of drawing the horizon line and guidelines mentally because it’s done it so many times before. Also, our eye memorizes what a certain shape would look like at a certain angle because it’s seen it so many times before.
2 - Something that really helped me with this same question was to keep in mind that perspective drawing is simply a means of representing where an object is in a 3D space on a 2d surface(paper, digital canvas, etc.) If the vanishing point or points are that far off the page, then probably the best thing to do is (a) establish where the horizon line is, (b) imagine or draw some kind of guidelines, and (c) remember that the further away an object is from the horizon line, the more we’ll be able to see the top/bottom of the object - context is everything.
3 - Jake Parker goes over things in his How to Draw Everything class, How to Draw Animals class, and also Will Terry in his class on Visualizing Drawing in Perspective that will really help with this question. Basically, learn simple, 3D forms and practice rotating and drawing them from all angles. Then drawing creatures, animals, objects, people, etc. at different angles will become easier and more intuitive as everything is made up of simple shapes.Keep practicing and remember to have lots of fun!!
I have a couple more things I’m still trying to understand.
1 ) I am trying to draw a still life in 1 point perspective (example of still life is in attachment). I have already drawn the table. But now I am having trouble with drawing the bowl in perspective. I’m not sure what would be the first step to draw onto paper. Do I draw the vanishing points that go down onto the bowl first or what would I need to draw first? Can someone show me the steps on what to draw onto the paper to reproduce the bowl in perspective.
2 ) Also using the same bowl as a example again. Lets say I want to find out how many perspective the bowl is. How would I do this? Can someone show me the right technique to find out for objects that are not a cube or squared.
I think teaches perspective the right way.
When things teach you "1 point, 2 point, 3 point" I think it's more UNhelpful than helpful because those don't apply to most pictures.
If you do the draw 250 box challenge from
Then you'll get an intuitive feel for seeing the boxes on everything in pictures.