Feedback on ink fairy sketches
no 2! The face and form of the body gives the pice so musch more life. -
Yes number 2 for me as well
better to see the face in this case. Probably you have to move the main character to the left a bit to create more overlapping. I think now you create a tangent between the doorway and the edge of her hair (and dress).
I agree! The second one's pose is much better. Maybe give the fairy a shocked expression
@silvialcg hi! I like how you want to keep this piece simple but I think you’re making it too simple. Perhaps you can change the girl’s pose give her more action instead of just standing there with a camera. Maybe she’s facing towards the fairy, her camera aiming at the fairy. I also like the fairy in the second sketch.
Thanks, everyone! Great advice. I’ll go for number 2, and move the girl more to the left.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz I was thinking about making the girl panic when she sees the fairy and clumsily drop the camera, capture the action as the camera is airborne... Just don’t know if I can make it work! I struggle a bit with gesture... -
@silvialcg I think @Nyrryl-Cadiz is right about it being too simple, regarding the concept, and I think your idea about having her panic and drop the camera is a great one. I would also recommend to do a lot of thumbnailing with your idea, thinking the composition, character pose and what best highlights the story's concept. Work whatever is best for you, but I like to start of with simple lines and shapes to act as a placeholder and then build up from the one I like best, leaving character/ costume/ prop design to the later stages.
Thanks for the feedback @Gary-Wilkinson
I do try to do the thumbnails first, but I end up giving it lots of detail! I gotta work on that...
I created a third version. What do you think? Not sure her body is right... I was also wondering if I should crop the bottom, not sure...
@silvialcg that's a great idea!
@silvialcg this is so much better already! It’s telling a story that is understandable even if the viewer didn’t know anything about the prompt! Als for the composition, maybe it would be nice to get us a bit closer to the scene, so it feels more like we’re part of the action?
@Freya-Chakour thanks!
so helpful to have constructive feedback. How would you get closer? Cropping top and bottom maybe? Maybe make the girl bigger. I did consider that, I was just concerned about losing the house framing, as I thought it was interesting with the door arch and all that... what do you think?
@silvialcg hmmm yeah I think it’s definitely nice to see a bit of the room and the setting, and I like the picture on the wall. But on the right side there is really just the light button ( xD forgot what it’s called in English) soo I guess there are two ways for this, go nearer to the girl but loose a bit of the scenery, or make the scenery part of the storytelling. Like maybe there is a Gallery of mystic creatures that got photographed, or newsletters and notes pinned on a board or something like that
also inside the room there is just this plant, maybe you can add some things there too
- 9 days later