@Mimi-Simon The product of my insanity hahahahahaHAHA
In case you were looking for an actual explanation:
So if you start at the top of the ring and go clockwise, there are 5 different "loops" representing 5 different people's explanations of how the "hero's journey" story structure works. They all turn out lining up wonderfully, showing how this style of storytelling is kind of like.. magic? Timeless? Nearly universal?
There are different styles of stories, but if you're writing a typical one it'll hold specific components. The character will experience an inciting incident that will force them out of their usual lives. Their adventure will have a rise and then a fall of action. There will be a dark night of the soul. Etc.
It's more of a visual for people (me) who have studied these structures, but it's also not a bad jumping off point for someone to go "so what IS Blake Snyder's Save the Cat structure?" and look it up from there. The references are in verrryyy small text so I am sorry about that, but they're all listed in that little paragraph at the bottom for further research.