3 Feb 2020, 20:08

Hello everyone! I am currently in the process of taking over what we like to call "the library". Basically, it's our homeschooling room turned just family library with a wall of Ikea Kallax shelves full of everyone's books (ok, out of 5 rows of books, 3 are probably mine) and a couch. I have my drawing table in there, and a spot for my computer and my tea (tea definitely the most important of the 3). Now I just need storage. I was using a filing crate for ideas, bits of paper, and MSDS travel sheets but am wanting something nicer. I tend to be very minimal, but have no clue what I'll need as I start adding watercolor to my inkings and finishing illustrations. Does everyone just scan and use online now? Or are paper filing cabinets/flat filing cabinets still very much the main staple? I've had plenty experience organizing oils and canvas, but am at a loss for watercolor and paper storage. Please help!