Hello everyone! I am currently in the process of taking over what we like to call "the library". Basically, it's our homeschooling room turned just family library with a wall of Ikea Kallax shelves full of everyone's books (ok, out of 5 rows of books, 3 are probably mine) and a couch. I have my drawing table in there, and a spot for my computer and my tea (tea definitely the most important of the 3). Now I just need storage. I was using a filing crate for ideas, bits of paper, and MSDS travel sheets but am wanting something nicer. I tend to be very minimal, but have no clue what I'll need as I start adding watercolor to my inkings and finishing illustrations. Does everyone just scan and use online now? Or are paper filing cabinets/flat filing cabinets still very much the main staple? I've had plenty experience organizing oils and canvas, but am at a loss for watercolor and paper storage. Please help!
Question: How does everyone store/organize their story ideas, bits of drawing and illustration NOT in sketchbooks, etc?
Hello everyone! I am currently in the process of taking over what we like to call "the library". Basically, it's our homeschooling room turned just family library with a wall of Ikea Kallax shelves full of everyone's books (ok, out of 5 rows of books, 3 are probably mine) and a couch. I have my drawing table in there, and a spot for my computer and my tea (tea definitely the most important of the 3). Now I just need storage. I was using a filing crate for ideas, bits of paper, and MSDS travel sheets but am wanting something nicer. I tend to be very minimal, but have no clue what I'll need as I start adding watercolor to my inkings and finishing illustrations. Does everyone just scan and use online now? Or are paper filing cabinets/flat filing cabinets still very much the main staple? I've had plenty experience organizing oils and canvas, but am at a loss for watercolor and paper storage. Please help!
@charitymunoz to tell the truth I’ve asked myself this a lot too, my office is way too cluttered and I make it worse but forgetting to recycle the Dr Pepper bottles on my desk. As far as old sketches and art stuff goes though I have a few places I use for storage.
For pencil sketches I have a shoebox filled with around 10 sketchbooks and around 1000 index cards. I’m probably not going to do anything with most of them but it’s nice to just doodle. I keep my digital stuff on a 100gb thumb drive. I don’t need that much space but it’s good to have just in case.
I hope that helps with some storage ideas. We often have to create a ton before we get anywhere with art so having a place to put it all helps you see how much you are growing.
I keep lose 8.5x11 sketches and manuscripts in a binder and any watercolor painting I do go in a cardboard file folder I have under my desk. Sketchbooks are on my bookshelves. That all works pretty good for me. I did 3d sculptures for a long time and storage was a pain but with 2d flat works I find they are pretty easy to just stack up.
I keep my current sketchbooks on a bookshelf (older ones are in my parents roof space- they wouldn't let me get rid of them!) But I do lineart for final pieces on A3 paper and these are a pain to store! Currently just in a pile on top of my scanner... If anyone has good ideas for storing A3 art I would be forever grateful
@eriberart said in Question: How does everyone store/organize their story ideas, bits of drawing and illustration NOT in sketchbooks, etc?:
If anyone has good ideas for storing A3 art I would be forever grateful
I cleared out a chest of drawers in the spare room - who needs clothes
@eriberart I use Ikea office drawer unit, like this one
It is good to keep the file flat, and undamaged, but terrible if I want to find something specific.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I currently do have shelving for my sketchbooks, but will look into those Ikea drawers. Here's a picture of what it is so far. I'm purposefully not showing the table to the left as it is loaded with all the clutter/kid leftovers from the rearranging. I'm essentially looking for something to go where the table currently is on the left, be it desk, cabinet, or storage unit.
@xin-li Ooo that looks handy! Not sure if I have room for it as my studio space is the tiny bedroom of the house. Might have to do some re arranging :face_with_stuck-out_tongue_closed_eyes:
For a digital filing system, I typically scan in any sketches or reference material. I maintain a folder structure like pictured below for each project so if I need to go back and change something I have the source file, inked and color versions. I store the archive in Dropbox so I have a local and remote copy. Hope that helps!