My journey through the Pictorial Composition class! part 1
Hello SVS people!
In the late 2019 I had an amazing opportunity to be in Nathan Fowke's Pictorial Compostion class on Schoolism and I though that sharing all the stuff I did in the class may be a cool idea.
The course was 9 intense weeks of work that really have pushed my skills to the limit. Hopefully you'll find this artwork fun.
week 1 assignment:
We were supossed to create studies of other people's artwork. There were three studies to be done for each artwork. A simple three value statement, a simplified value study and a color study.
I had problems when it came to simplifying the value structures. The teacher pointed out to me that I pay too much attention to details that are unnecessary for the "simple study". I made a follow up with another illustration, trying to apply the teacher's feedback here.Yes, I absolutely adore those Jonny Duddle's Harry Potter covers!
The artist's you can see here are:
Jonny Duddle,
Jorge Corona
and Tim Kamiński.Check 'em out!
Week 2:
We were told to create our own compositions. Had tons of fun with them. I still struggled with staying simple which is VERY visible when you look at the bears and the fox character images. I am slowly getting it though.
week 3:
That was an INTENSE ride. I had a week to make ten different images. On top of that, we were supossed to make sure that each image is different. You know, variety of value ranges, subjects, camera angles etc.
Hard but soo satisfying.
week 4:
More comps! This time we've got some color in here.
The bottom picture was a fun experiment that I did. I tried to paint a picture with ONLY two values in it and shade it only with color changes... It looks wrong, but I am glad I tried!
Here's a little follow up. Nathan pointed out that my character composition worked but it was too simple. A pale face with dark hair and dark glasses will always stand I tried making this more complex and texture filled.
A little behind the scenes pic! I see this view everytime I take out trash in the evening so I used it to inspire me... Muse can be found everywhere, friends!There is TONS of artwork I've done in this course. Five more weeks of artwork to be shared! However, I'll stop here. This post is long enough.
Give me your thoughts, share opinions and tell me if you'd like to see the rest of the images. I am not sure if that will interest anybody
Creating this post kinda feels like I am bragging, ya know?How comfortable are you with composition?