W8 tax forms for U.K. illustrators
Is everyone from the U.K. aware of it?
Does anyone have experience with this?
The W8 looks like a simple form but I thought I’d mention it in case anyone was merrily working away but didn’t realise they needed to cover themselves for tax purposes.
It’s for U.K. illustrators who are living and working in th U.K. but submitting work to clients in the U.S
I’m going to double check with an accountant, but it would be good to hear another illustrators view. -
@peteolczyk Actually, this form is not only for UK but other countries who have a tax treaty with the US. I'm in Canada and have to fill it as well, it's called the W-8BEN here. Note no one HAS to fill it, but it's in your best interest. Companies in the US can set aside 30% of payments to contractors for tax, and that means you would be taxed twice: in the US before receiving payment and in your country again during tax season. Giving US companies a W8 lets them know they shouldn't tax you, according to the tax treaty with your country. It's a simple 1 page form very easy to fill. You have to find which line of the treaty applies to your country (easily found on Google) and fill out your address and stuff. I keep a partially filled version of this form on hand, to complete and send to US companies. Or at least I used to: now that I'm represented with Astound Us, my contract with them states I have to involve them in contracts outside my country of residence, including the US, and I have already filled a W8 with Astound so further forms are not required. If you are represented with a US agent or work with US companies, make sure they have your W8 form so they don't tax your payment! Form easy to find online.
@NessIllustration thanks so much for your expertise Ness.