The Magic Snowman! That wasn't
Hello everyone José here. I wanted to post this to showcase a cover I did for a project based in a 70s movie. I really like how it turned out but sadly the client/collaborator didn't.
It is a cover/back cover for the book. The back hints at the ending of the movie and the front shows the main location along with our protagonists. I'm happy with it because I had been meaning to do a snowy scene for the old portfolio.
By the way, any ideas on where to look for jobs?
@Jose-A-Nieto sorry that it didn't work out with the client. The piece is nice.
I am not sure about the story or if you were working with characters that were already designed or not. I think the character design is a little strange on the snowman (which might be why the client didn't like it.) Snowmen (I have made a few) don't really look like that, I would say he is a little "too human". He looks to me more like a guard that stayed out in the snow too long and froze. Again, if that is part of the story just ignore everything I said...
Keep it up... something will work out.
@theprairiefox Thanks for your comment! Really appreciate it. The characters existed already, I just made them more round and cartoony. It was based on this movie:
@Jose-A-Nieto that makes more sense. Thanks for the link. That is a weird snowman, but you did a good job rendering it.
Hi Jose! The perspective is pretty fun on this piece. Will you be able to keep it for your portfolio? Why didn't the client like it?
Thanks @TessaW . Yeah she was really nice to let me use it as a portfolio piece. A more realistic style was needed. I can't complain thought, it was a very nice experience