Best fundamental classes/videos
Hey y'all new here.
After listening to a couple of the 3 Point perspective podcast episodes i realized i ain't fudge artwise lol and that i would benefit from learning fundamentals as I've never taken art classes before (besides 4 years technical drafting) and used that excuse as mentioned in the "how to be a better student" episode "my crappiness makes me unique"
So i wanna try and burn that crutch and i've come here wanting to ask what courses here and on youtube, Udemy, wherever are best or at least decent for someone who wants to really dive into this and become marginally better.
My end goal isnt some job or to become a freelance (i really seem to hate doing commissions) the main goal to get better at drawing comics and improving in general.
Thanks for your time.
@Kevin-Cochran First off, glad to hear you are ready to really take your art seriously, so good luck with that.
To start though I would of course watch the classes here on SVS and see what you can get out of them. Definitely do the Visualizing Drawing in Perspective, and Mastering Perspective classes by Jake Parker.
Outside of SVS, if you want to do a deep dive into perspective I would suggest the YouTube channel "The Drawing Database: Marc Leone NKU". He goes into such depth with everything. There are hours and hours of just perspective rules and demos. It is a seriously underrated resource.
So now that you have some places to start it should be said that you won't get anywhere without loads of thoughtful practice. Make sure you are putting in the time and not trying to find shortcuts, because there aren't any when it comes to learning the fundamentals.
Hope this helps, and again, good luck!!
There is a suggested curriculum depending on what you're looking to do.
When you sign up, they ask what your interest is and send you a suggested list of classes to ponder taking. Seriously, in my opinion there really isn't a bad class. They're all useful in their own ways!!
Welcome to the forums!!
Hello there! A lot of people here in the forum have followed the SVS classes.
There is a 7 day trial : it helps to have an idea. Honestly I can't tell : my computer does not support the videos (the sound and the image aren't synchronized, which is very annoying and the answer I got from SVS team is that my internet connection is too slow... whereas I use fiber optic internet! - frustrating...).
Have a look though, it looks to be a very complete library of classes. The "plus" is you can interact on the forum with the people following the same classes! I read the threads and all are cheery and supportive of each other's progress. So basically, you buy the classes + the access to a nice community!
Outside the SVS resource, I follow several artists on YouTube but it is more "tips" than real classes : I learn a lot but don't make much progress.
These are:
Proko (fundamentals)
Alphonso Dunns (fundamentals)
Uncomfortable (fundamentals)
MD Campbell
Marco Bucci a bit:
Cesar Santos (painter)
Florent Farges (painter)
Liron Yanconsky (watercolorist)
The mind of watercolor (watercolorist) luck and let us know if you find additional resources!
Thanks all! how did i totally miss the curriculum lol, i'll definately poke through the free trial for sures.