11 Nov 2015, 04:36

Hi everyone! I'm Bobby. This is my first official post here on the forums~
We just wrapped up with the general critique session. It was super helpful. I got some great pointers from both Will and Lee, and learned a lot from the critiques of others as well. So that's good!

I'm going to go ahead and post on this thread as I work through the remainder of this piece.
I'm always up for constructive criticism & pointers, so no need to hold back there. As long as all is in the sake of improvement πŸ™‚

Here's where I'm at right now. This is after employing quite a bit of Will's suggestions. I've got a bit of a ways to go yet, but I'm excited for where it's heading!

Here's a little set of images to show you what I've gone through to get where I am now. πŸ™‚

Anyhow!! I'm super excited to be posting on here. Even more stoked for us all to further ourselves as artists n get to know each other!! πŸ™‚