Is my work professional enough?
Hello guys, me again haha
I was watching one of the classes "How to get Freelance Work" and I loved the comment @will-terry-art made, if you don't know if your work professional enough ask in SVS forum!
Here I am, if there are any professional illustrators out there could you critic my work, is it professional enough? much appreciated : )
@VitoPetra omg yes! It is consistent you clearly have a good understanding of shape and composition and color. The textures are great. I love the round pirate in the rowboat.
oh wow! really? thanks : O @Aleksey I went through yours do you get constant work? :
@VitoPetra I constantly get no work
@VitoPetra Hey, I like your work. I think it's pretty good. I'm sure your opportunities will come. Just keep going and do what makes you happy. You too @Aleksey. I think both of your portfolios look very professional.
I agree with the others here, your style is really appealing and the fundamental drawing skills and colour skills are great but most of all your portfolio is super consistent which I think that's a big factor in whether you're work is professional or not so I think just keep doing what you're doing and offers will come!
Thank you guys! It's very helpful to receive good words also bad ones too if any? haha I don't know why i just think somethings is wrong with it but probably every artist thinks that.. ( self thought haha )