online advertising...consider motion
Ok, so my stuff gets shared which i use the procreate capture brush strokes thing. People love the growth over 2 mins of a piece, and share it. it captures attention (and fb likes promotes it). And you get clicky likes all over the place so will end up in prospective clients timelines....
Just saw this though, and thought it innovative. Some artist who is local to me has turned a static piece into a 5-10 second animation, and it caught my eye as a sponsored ad on the way through my fb feed.
IN phtoshop and adobe animate this isn't too hard to do, so if you have the suite, worth looking at. anything to catch peoples eyesheres the link.
I like this idea! This would tie into my personal branding really well - I'm fascinated by animation, even have a degree in it, but ended up doing plain ol' graphic design for so long because animation opportunities were scarce where I live. I'd love to bring my illustrations "to life" even further with a little motion.
I can't believe I didn't think of something like this yet, so thank you for sharing! I feel like fireworks are going off in my head.
@carriecopa excellent! Well if you end up doing it, make sure you share it for us all to see,.
I'd already decided to try that with my fearless entry and see what happened in fb land.
I love movement catches my eye as I scroll. I think you have to be careful though..not too fast and not too many images. Although Im not sure we're talking about the same process..that link took me to a slideshow...unless I missed something?
I was a glass artist for several years..[glass beads and jewelry] and once made a gif image of my hands making a glass bead in the flame. It was extremely crude animation and because of that I kind of loved it. I thought it was more interesting than just a video. Anyway, all of this learning and testing out is fun, isn't it.
Link to the pinned image from my website:Thanks @Andy-Gray and @carriecopa
I was trying to link to just the gif but I'll just link to my website: -
@djlambson lets see if this works...
<div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:56.34%"><iframe src="" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0" width="639" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe></div> -
@djlambson The link goes to a product with a gallery. There are a couple videos in it that show the art in motion. Atmosphere effects and a slow zoom-out, a little sound.
Magic: The Gathering does a great job with subtle art animation when they promote their card game sets. Here's a recent example. They have subtle movement of the top layer (the characters) and some atmosphere effect in the back. It's just enough to draw the eye.
I should give a plug for smith micro motion artist, which is a one time payout For stuff that can do this.... 25usd. I’ve used it on a few can get the subtle movement thing with that prog easy.