Original composition for October 3rd Thursday
Hi all, I made it in the top half by the skin of my teeth this month, but it's a fairly boring piece. Just did not have time to fix the flaws and work up my original piece, but here's proof that I actually did have something better in mind. Note to self - fix in thumbnail stage next time...
This is a great sketch - I really like the way you've drawn the ostrich, and with the perspective/angle that you've chosen - I'm sure it would make a very dynamic finished piece
This is a really great scene drawn up this way and I like your cute characters very much as well! I would say that you might want to go ahead and take this through to completion. Even though the monthly contest is now over this could really be a wonderful portfolio piece!
Thanks. I may still finish it, but if I do I will redo the whole thing, from the thumbnail up.
I also like this sketch. You should continue on with this idea. Great movement.