Linda Ferrara - Inktober
Linda Ferrara
Don't usually work in ink so this will be a great learning project for me. Kinda iffy on this drawing meeting the prompt, so may do a different one.
Day 1 - Swift
Day 2 "Divided" Not thrilled with this but soldiering on.
Day 3: "Poison"
Poison dart frog in medieval poison ring.
Black, sepia and blue ink.
Day 4 Underwater
Day 5 "Long"
Long John Silver with his long mustachesBlack, sepia and orange ink
Day 6 "Sword"
A young Cersi Lannister sits on her first Throne of Swords
@lferrara haha....I ended up going in the same direction (long John silver). Nice one
Day 7 "Shy"
Sepia and black inks
Day 8 "Crooked"
Day 9