Transportation WIP
I'm struggling with the light source. I don't know if the overall image is too dark. I appreciate all critiques:)
Thanks!! -
@elaine-b Hi Elaine - I took the opportunity to give you a small critique. I think you could improve the story and communication on this one by:
Turning the torso and head to 3/4 view - it will help give your character more life and grace as she floats through the air/space.
If you use cooler colors and pick off camera light sources it will help you define your form from the darkness of outer space. We tend to think of cooler colors when we get into space.
@Will-Terry Thanks Will! It all makes perfect sense. I get to work on the changes:)
@Will-Terry I made the changes you suggested and went for a more painterly look. Turning the torso and head improved the character. Now I'm working the on colors. Thanks:)
Any final thoughts on things I can improve before I post?