Transportation (Insect town) WIP
@Jose-Ramos Tried a little test color with a sunset lighting scheme, not sure I got it right though. I might try some other styles and see how they work (it will give me some needed practice too
@tombarrettillo Thanks. I won't give up on it, I just feel I need more time to get it done. I might go back to it before the moth is up though. I keep changing my mind on what I prefer too much lol
ha, well... now that I see the one above larger, I think there is a more clear story with this one; one of migrant farming ants, perhaps. Love the water wheel on the snail, and the fenced sheep on the ladybug. Right now the "sunset" looks more like the plains are on fire, which, honestly, could add more drama to the story. Maybe that is why the farmers are leaving.
@gary-wilkinson I really like it !!
maybe a little more saturated like this Will´s work: the other snails need driver ants.