25 Jun 2017, 15:27

Thought I would share my treehouse illustration before entering it! Hopefully some people will help me with some of the issues I have been having.

Great work by everyone on the thread. I love seeing everyone's interpretations.

This is based on a story from when I was younger when I stayed the night in my friends tree house.
It felt like a mini adventure and I remember it being really exciting but in a few hours we got bored and hungry and went in around midnight!

This is the piece so far:
0_1498405932501_final treehouse_small.jpg

Any feedback is very welcome as it's the greatest way to improve!

So the issues I have been struggling with is:

Kids are hard to draw! Do you think they look right? Was aiming for 11-12 year olds at the top and the right one at the bottom, and an 8 year old at the bottom left.

I still struggle with texture. How may different brushes do you usually use in a piece? I really like to keep with one or two but maybe more would help to keep the variety. I am aiming not to make my pieces look too digital though.

What do you guys think about the ropes around the tree? I didn't want to add all the detail as it might distract from the main rope holding the bucket but I wonder if they look weird.

Thank you for the help. Sarah