Will said one way to improve your work is to study artists work you like. Not just to say you like it but to voice what it is you like and how you can improve to get closer to that level (I'm paraphrasing). SO I decided on Fridays I will take images of artist I like and not only study it but try to recreate it. After all isn't that the way artist in the past worked?
So my first piece I did was to study this concept piece from Monsters Inc. by Dominique Louis. I chose this piece because of his use of color and texture. I like the way the image recedes to the back and the curves against straight even in creating buildings and background scenes. Looking at the image I think I did OK on the drawing part (I drew freehand after mapping out a 1" x 1" grid on both. My colors are a bit higher chroma. I challenged myself by eyeballing the color instead of picking with the eyedropper. The original (on the left) was done by Dominique in pastel (a favorite traditional media of mine). I also challanged myself to work in Photoshop since I am usually working on paper.
Thanks Will for the advice! Would anyone like to comment on my progress in this piece?