Your Creative Work Space
As I have been focusing on my renewed journey forward as an illustrator, I have been thinking a lot about my work space. I have been trying to organize my little office area so my tools are more at the ready and thinking of things to surround myself with that inspire me, including music.
I'd love to hear about some of your creative work spaces, and what works for you. maybe even post some photos of your work space.
I will post some of mine when i get it more squared away. Thanks! -
haha oh man talking about work space, mine is crazy. I wish I could help.
Err workspace= desk with bird poop on it.
@Spencer-Hale Hey Spencer. My workspace varies from day to day. I currently live in a van and have a cintiq companion which I take everywhere.
The scenery wasn't great this morning, I will try and upload one with a better surroundings soon. I listen to music while I am working and what I listent to depends on what have I am working on. Living in a van definitely helps creatively. Different day, different place. -
Let go live with @Peter Jarvis.
@Peter-Jarvis thats so cool!
@Peter-Jarvis Hey, i see my on avatar on your screen, so it seems I was there LOL
Mine does not have as great a view as Peter's. It's split into two areas - my digital work area (got such a hard time from hubby when i hooked up the second monitor lol) Please forgive the blurry pic, had to take it quickly
And where I work traditionally
I'm a packrat with no storage space! My kingdom for some bookcases!
This is my studio
Oh wow u guys got really nice workspace there! I'm jelly.
Omg. have a stormtrooper! You win!
The Stormtrooper is pretty cool
@Grant-Brown Amazing work space! Love the dalek!
Thank you guys for sharing your work space! It really makes me feel like I know you better. It is way cool to see the little knick-knacks and things you surround yourselves with. I love the row of rocks on Lynn's desk and Grant's framed art and stormtrooper!
Peter, you inspire me to climb out of my dungeon now and then, look out the windows at this "sun" thing people are talking about.Thanks a lot!
Here is my current creative work cave. I have some family photos and toys about, along with some inspirational quotes and art from other artists i like. I've also started taping some of my daily practice sketches and studies on the wall, kind of like a mini portfolio. When I do something that i like better than what is up there, I replace it with the new sketch. Sometimes I really can't wait to pull some pieces off the wall but i wont do it unless i have something better to replace it with.
Looks awesome Spencer! I like the idea of hanging your practice work. I have a favorite quote too, I write it in all my sketch books and have it hanging in a few other places - The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without the work by Emile Zola - reminds me to draw every day
I have a spare bedroom in my house that is my home office where I do all of my digital illustration and design work. (I also have a space in my unfinished basement that I use for anything else creative I do that might be a bit messier like painting etc.
You can easily tell I am a huge Disney fan (always have been) and I like having all of the different art/figures/toys etc around me for inspiration not just with art but life in general.
And because you have now seen the actual photos - this illustration I had done a few years ago of myself in my workspace for use on my website etc will now make sense as well.
Lovely space you have there Rich! I'm jealous you have a whole room! I thought about taking over one of the bedrooms, instead of having stuff jammed into corners of the living room, but then i would never see anyone else lol