5 Oct 2024, 14:47

Hello all! I've been working my way through the fundamentals courses and I love it! I just finished Level 1 and am super excited to move foreward.

Here's my problem: I'm at my grandma's atm to take care of her. I started the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course but it's recommended to work on larger paper with charcoal, which I have at home and can't get to for another week or so. But since I have nothing to do but sit around in a tiny village and wait for my grandma to need help, I'd like to stay occupied and learning. I'm really in a good groove right now^^

My question is (especially for those who have taken the fundamentals courses): can I skip Figure Drawing Fundamentals for now?
The reason I'm asking is that I assume the courses have been arranged in this order for a reason and probably build on each other and I'd like to get the best out of them. If I skip this course (for now), would that impact my learning experience of the next course?