Critique request: girl and horseshoe crab
@kayleenartlover thank you so much. I am planning to do watercolor first and see how it goes.
I've scanned it to try some color ideas. This is the first one. I'm thinking the composition is going to change. My original sketch was longer horizontally with more crabs and birds to the left, but I might crop it in closer, and enlarge the whole thing. The green color is sort of a placeholder because they are not that brightly colored. I plan to make time to try another version later this weekend. Feedback is welcome, especially because I am pretty sure I have a color vision deficiency.
@jenn when deciding on colors for everything, sometimes I like to make them all into little blobs of colors next to each other to see what looks good together harmoniously and then use whatever colors stand out the most for coloring the focal point. The more saturated and the more warm it will come forward. Also sometimes I get inspired by other paintings of the same subject and use similar colors. Hope that helps!
@kayleenartlover Thank you for the tip
- 9 days later
Slow progress...
Color study for today was motivated by being quoted by @Nyrryl-Cadiz and by feedback from @kayleenartlover, so thank youFor this attempt, I sampled the colors from similar morning beach scenes and also used local color with multiply and dodge layers.
@jenn this is looking really good Jenn! Looking forward to seeing the final!
@tom-barrett thank you
I am close to finished now. Thank you to rabbits @kayleenartlover @Dima-Eichhorn @H-Moon @Nyrryl-Cadiz @Tash @tom-barrett for being my audience and cheerleaders. Your feedback and encouragement truly kept me going back to the drawing board to work toward my goal of completion of a piece that I could submit to a local exhibit.
And by the way, if you see a horseshoe crab upside down on a beach, do them a favor and "just flip 'em" so they can return to the ocean. They are beneficial creatures that need our help.
@jenn I love that you did it in watercolor. I love the color and texture
@jenn it turned out beautiful! The watercolor adds so much to the illustration!
@Tash @Nyrryl-Cadiz thank you so much, I was nervous about it because it would take longer than digital (and potential for mistakes) but I agree it was worth the trouble and the mistakes were mostly recoverable. I could always edit if needed, with the original brushwork as a foundation.
@jenn I am very late to this conversation, but I love seeing your iterations! I especially love the inked thee-part sequence of flipping the crab. It could easily be a greeting card. Great work!
@jenn Contrast/composition wise this picture is very awesome to me
It reads well and have proper focus. Good job!
@skeletortoise and @Yiming-Wu thanks for the positive feedback! And the suggestion about making a greeting card.
- about a month later
I wanted to share a happy update: my piece was one of 30 (out of 162 submissions) accepted to the exhibit! This is my first juried exhibit! If anyone happens to be in the Plymouth, MA area end of June/early July, here is the info:
Thank you again for helping me make the piece stronger. @Tash @Nyrryl-Cadiz @kayleenartlover @Dima-Eichhorn @H-Moon @tom-barrett
@jenn woohoo! congratulations!
@jenn the is awesome! You go girl