I just finished the flour sacks in the level 2 course!
I just finished the flour sacks in the level 2 course. It was so fun to make the different shapes and give them personality! I looked up images cause I didn't even know what a flour sack was lol I have actually never seen one in person and even online it was hard to search for the real thing that people used to use? (or at least where I live)
@srednaart your flour sacks are kind of cute, also some of them look like they are dancing and remind me of those hippos and crocodiles in fantasia, I don't know why...
@srednaart So much personality to your flour sacks! It's funny how they take on character traits. And I agree with @MerryMary about looking like they're dancing. Great job!
Nice practice!
@srednaart awesome! Love the one with the face