Please help me with a Critique!
Hi Y'all! It has been very useful for me as an illustrator to be able to drop pieces here and get some feedback, so I come here once again for help with a piece I am doing for my editorial portfolio. My agents gave me the prompt in the form of an article called "Tech Overload" and so I did my best to communicate what that feels like to me. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or even just to approve of it. THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING SO INCLUSIVE!!
@Richy-s-ayala This looks really cool.
Here's my off-the-wall suggestion in case it's of use to you: I'd increase the value of the screen (or screens) in front of the man -- the one that says "look" in particular. My first glance at the piece (on a small screen) gave me the impression that part of the face was missing, but really it's just a value optical-illusion. Maybe the light colored screen and the light colored background blended together for me during my first impression.
Thanks for sharing this piece. It really conveys tech overload well.
To add to Kathryns comment, a blue glow reflection on his face would be great and then the side facing to us could a darker value. -
@Richy-s-ayala Iike how he seems to have no choice but look at the screen because he's held by the wires of the machines. Totally speaks tech overload.
@KathrynAdebayo This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Thank you!
@Larue Awesomne suggestion, when I make a busy piece like this it's easy to overlook the simplest things. Thank you!
@Chantal-Goetheer Appreciate it! I related to that man so much haha.
@Richy-s-ayala I like this a lot! It feels overwhelming in a really good way. The eyes and all the notes that say look, feel very accurate to how technology can be invasive, and attention steeling. I also like that he is standing on grass. It seems to say there is a natural world somewhere, but it is crowded out by machines on every side. Very cool
@MerryMary Thank you so much! I really really appreciate this comment because you caught on to every single thing I was trying to communicate. That is what the grass and the eyes were supposed to represent