Night sky or aquarium?
Hey guys, been a while since I posted a thread for myself, because I haven’t been arting very much lately, lol. Hope everyone’s been well! Been a doozy of a winter for me with crazy weather and sick family what seems like every other week (myself included), but I wanted to share what I’ve been working on for past couple days and gather your opinions.
I picked up this idea while falling asleep with my kiddos after reading our nightly dose of Harry potter( we’re on book 3) and want this fantastical world with great silhouettes. At first I thought instantly night sky and used recycled night from my fairy illo. Then I got the idea of what if it was underwater? Or at least a huge aquarium. I’m not sold on the color palette of the current night sky that can change to more of a twilight, I was thinking, or sunset with stars just coming out… anyway it was a place holder basically to get an idea. But what are your thoughts? Sky or aquarium? Thanks guys! Also still working on color with the aquarium too, and will obv add fish and probably some kelp. Ok thanks!
Here’s a few changes regarding color for sky and more fish tanky things should I make the tank more bluish?
Hi Asya! I think the aquarium idea is great! Either one would be cool, depending on your story, but stylistically you could do alot with an aquarium
@Asyas_illos I love the purple sky, but I think fish tank will be more unique. The bottom colour works really well for a fish tank.
I agree, it depends on the story whether it is sky or aquarium... maybe it changes(???) but I do like what you did with the textues and colors on both: The 2nd image for the sky and the last one for the water.
@Asyas_illos or maybe it's a night sky with fishies swimming in it
@ArtistErin @ArtMelC @jenn thanks so much for the feedback! I really love them both so maybe I continue to do two separate illustrations? @carlianne thats a great idea too! Thanks
@Asyas_illos and @Carlianne And if you create a backlit light source, with light streaming through the water you could create some fish in illumination and some in shadow
Haven’t made too much progress here but thought I should post anyway…as always I’m still open to feedback
@Asyas_illos Hello!
The added touch of cloud in the night sky one is whimsical and I like the dreamy warm colour palette.
But I really love the aquarium and I prefer the blue tones colour palette above this green one but I like the added light in the greener one. Green is different but blue speaks more aquarium to me. If you want to add a little green to some of the blues and play around, that might be fun.
Glad to see you posting again, and don't worry I haven't been on much so for me I haven't missed anything on yours.
@Asyas_illos I like it, the sky one reminds me of an area in the game Elden Ring called Siofra River. If you search Siofra River Concept Art you'll get a ton of cool ideas!
@Heather-Boyd thanks for the feedback!I’ve since added a smidge more of a blueish tint, I’ll update a pic soon!
@Tom-Harshberger never heard of it but I’ll check it out thanks!
@Asyas_illos Interesting concept. Isn't it fun to get ideas from dreams?
Can't it be both night sky and aquatic? I would imagine the depths of the ocean may resemble a stary night sky (especially with the bioluminescent creatures).
Or what if the sky wasn't made of air, but instead water?
Or if you look at it from a fish's perspective what is their version of the night sky? The sea has several strata, each with different kinds of environments.
Anyways... I find the purple agreeable, but not the warm tones. Space and sea are both usually associated with cool and deep colors. But maybe you want to break the mold? If so, then please do. The contrast of the blue-green variations is a good direction to follow. Maybe the stars don't have to be golden yellow. Sometimes stars are actually planets and satellites which can be green, red, etc.
@willicreate thank you for your feedback I’ll take it into consideration as I move forward and play with more colors!
@Asyas_illos There’s always the question of which do you need in your portfolio. If you already have outer space/night sky in there but no water yet, then it’s a good chance to show off your marine skills. Or the other way.
Between the two, I say aquarium because I like your aquatic environment a lot and we don’t see that as much. Both are great, though, so whichever one is speaking to you more is the right answer.
@KevinTreaccar helpful, thank you! I’m feeling the aquarium.