I was playing around with dot eyes and more realistic looking eyes
Hi Folks,
I been watching and learning from the video's found on SVS while I was engrossed in a project. When I was putting the prettiest dot eyes on my cat figure Will Terry was talking about how hard it is to work with dot eyes. I believe it was one of the third Thursday videos.
So I tried something out. I finished the piece with the Dot eyes. I then duplicated the main layer and painted in more realistic eyes on my dog and cat.
I feel the addition of these eyes and eye brows added a lot to the scene. Before it was a sweet image of two pets dancing. By adding the expressive eyes I can see the cat as having some swagger and the pug dog looking dumb founded.Just some food for thought.
Honestly, dot eyes freak me out haha
Yea I am defiantly finding i'm getting more expression with the more realistic eyes. I don't find them that creepy but I see how people could see them as round black voids of utter nothingness, wow now i'm freaking myself out. HaHa!
Others find them adorable and for things like logos and symbols they work great.
Thanks for replying @Ace Connell.