Advanced perspective--keep going or scrap?
I've been trying to do the Advanced Perspective final assignment in @davidhohn 's class for...a while now. At some point I realized my orthagonals had gotten detached from the lvp, and were all over the place.
So I scrapped that attempt and started over. I thought I was close to having all the shapes blocked in, but then I went to put in the fence and it's way off from the rest of the bottoms of the other cubes--like it's supposed to be 13 squares from the southern edge of the farm house to the northwest corner of the fence (which should extend five squares behind the windmill). But in my version 13 squares doesn't even go past the windmill.
Is there any way to fix this? Or should I scrap and start over again? If I start over how do I avoid it happening? Do I need to start with the outer walls / fence each time (and what if I'm drawing something that doesn't have outer walls?) --I mean, in the videos it didn't seem like David Hohn needed to create a full, completely regular floor grid to start. He just lays down some orthagonals and goes from there. But maybe that's because he's better at gauging by eye whether an initial cube is a true cube or not?
I'm so confused! Any advice is welcome, thanks!