Basic Perspective Drawing - Final Drawing
I finished my final piece for basic perspective. My perspective ends up outside the room, though. How do you draw this way and be inside the room? I could crop it really close and cut out the back of the bookshelf, but I feel like there should be a better way to figure out how to draw from inside the room instead of outside?
@Charlotte-Glaze I think the view of the back side of a dresser is what's making you feel like you're outside of the room. If you were inside the room, there would be a wall behind the dresser. So you need to remove the dresser to feel like you're within the space...
@Charlotte-Glaze Hmmm, yeah, good question. I don't know if there is a way besides cropping it to get rid of the back of the dresser while still maintaining everything in the same position. Nice job finishing the project, though!
@Charlotte-Glaze this looks really good! When I use perspective in an illustration I always end up drawing in a tiny thumb nail so that I can zoom out enough to draw the perspective lines, I tied to find an example, but the one below is the best I could find. You can get an idea of how I go about it though, even though you can't See all the lines, I'm not sure if this is the best way to work or not. It's just what works for me!