Illustration critique/comments please!
Hi everyone,
Im working on an exercise to draw a story from a sentence. The sentence is "Then, the king slipped." I need some fresh eyes and any comments to help with issues I may not be seeing. Thanks in advance! -
@Solomon-Designs I think adding some variation in the composition could help. Right now the composition is pretty much in two halves, the top and the bottom. You could try breaking that halfway point with something that overlaps the top and the bottom like making the cat lady a bit taller.
You can definitely use crosshatching for shading but I think there’s a bit too much right now and it makes the image less readable. There are some areas where you are drawing zig-zag lines rather than hatch marks. Make sure to have intent behind every line, otherwise it can feel messy. Hope this helps!
@Griffin thank you for your response. Good points. I hadn’t thought about the composition cut in half. I’ll definitely make some adjustments there. I must admit I took the easy way out and started zig zagging everywhere so thanks for calling me out because I thought no one would notice lol I’m gonna redo with intentionally consistent marks! Thanks again for responding!
@Solomon-Designs you’re welcome! Here’s an illustration that feels similar to the crosshatching you’re doing. They actually do use zig-zags in some areas but they keep them very tight.
@Griffin Thank you!
Hi, I was a bit confused as to what was happening but after doing a full visual circle I got the time line but I think it should be clearer. I didn't know why the prisoner was floating sideways through the air, was he jumping, falling from the sky or being catapulted away from the guillotine? After review and seeing that the kings just now slipped and "set him free" I don't see how he could have had time to go down into the crowd where they could now be tossing him into the air. The crowd came to see a beading so I think they would be surprised and he would maybe just be quickly climbing/sliding off the guillotine
realising his luck! I like the line work and characters very much. -
@Larue Good points. I think him looking surprised and still being in position to be beheaded and the crowd looking surprised would have been more effective. Thank you for your feed back!