Riley Value sketch...improvements
Before I dive too deep into the final color I'm welcoming comments, suggestions etc. Thanks!
@larue adorable!
There’s two things I was able to pick out that I would suggest a second look at. 1, there should be a cast shadow under the box at the bottom right. #2 is the back doorway with the kitten. I would suggest moving the edge of the door either to the left or to the right. It’s currently lining up with the corner of the garage door creating a weird visual tangent. This could also be rectified by adjusting the edge of the garage door as it seems there’s a gap between the doorway and the door. -
@larue That looks so great! Seriously. I love all the details you put into the garage.
If you wanted to, you probably could get away with pushing the value scale further and let some parts be darker.
Darkening the objects behind the tent could help the tent and the boy stand out better as the main focus points. Not super dark, just keep the lightest value tones for stuff that is in direct sunlight.
I can tell you put a lot of thought and care into this gray-scale version. I'm sure the final colored version will be fantastic!
This project has been real tough for me. I'm not super confident with my concept for it. I'm determined to make some progress tomorrow though. So if you see me post about it, I would love to get your opinions on it.
@kayleenartlover I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it! This was tough for me too. I really had to create an entire story from beginning to end before I could start "getting into it" I still feel like I failed to present the items in the garage that told you more about my character. I know I could have re-thought my whole concept but I was already too creatively drained to consider going through it again with time getting away from me. I just feel that these prompts really help me to get better and that's what's important.
@angelinakizz Thanks Angelina. The frame of the garage is causing a bit of a problem, I'll revisit.:)
@angelinakizz Thanks Angelina, that's exactly what I've done. Funny how little things like lines meeting can really mess things up huh?. Thanks
@larue Something that's bothering me is: I keep thinking that this dog is going to be choked. I can go with the story of the little dog pulling the big raft, but maybe it could have more of a harness leash? Or give the dog a life vest and have ropes or a leash attached to it.
(This is a raft, not a float, right? You could add some items like oars & a fishing pole to make it clear.) I'm also not certain what the dog is carrying. Are those water bottles? -
@miriam Yes, he's carrying the water bottles. I can attach the leash to the harness of the water pack. Thanks for the idea.:)