Basic Perspective Drawing - The Room
Hello all!
I have been apart of SVSLearn for about 2 1/2 months now, but am ashamed to say that I have only taken two classes in all that time. With a schedule set for all my goals I would like to achieve over the next several weeks/months, I am more determined than ever to make the most of my access to these course, the professionals teaching them, and most of all, this community!
(I think trying to go at it alone is not working for me. I need the conversation. I need you guys.... I'm needy, maybe?)
So here I am, sharing a thing I would normally not share with anyone because it isn't finished, Instagram or refrigerator worthy. But that's the point right! To not get precious with it. To draw these things so often that we don't let our egos get in the way. I'm pretty sure there is a 3PP Podcast episode about that, or I am imagining that pep talk from somewhere else.
Level 1 Basics - Assignment: Draw the room in perspective.Self-critique: I struggled with a few things in this drawing, but really enjoyed the process of problem solving the tricky parts.
As far as the perspective goes, I am generally happy with it but for the ellipse/clock on the wall. I struggled so hard getting the rim of the clock to look as if it is standing a few inches from the flat base of the clock. There is also something in the floor board by the dresser that is a little off too.
The lighting is also okay, but now I see that the corner by the door probably should have been darker, similar to the corner of the night stand and plug area.
Growth moments: I see now that without having a reference to look at, I missed out on some light and shadows that would've made this sketch a little stronger. I will have to slow down a little more while in different spaces and pay attention to things like this more. I little more awareness of how things actually are rather than what my brain thinks they should look like will go a long way.
Also, I need to get a deeper warm grey marker sometime soon.
Feedback: Alright, what can I improve on. Anything that is blatantly screaming at you? Where did I succeed? Am I writing too much? (don't answer that one
TLDR: Thanks for taking a look at my first attempt at the room! I am looking forward to hearing ways I can improve my skills more and connect with this community on a regular bases. Thanks y'all!
- Feedback: Alright, what can I improve on. Anything that is blatantly screaming at you? Where did I succeed? Am I writing too much? (don't answer that one
Y-..Well I think the most obvious for me is the one you already mentioned; the floorboards at the dresser. They bend a bit towards the dresser while all the other lines (including other pieces of the floor) are nicely on the same grid. It might a highlighted because of your red helplines which are visible on the bed.
Speaking of which, the bed is really gorgeous! Your use of shading really makes it three dimensional while the rendering makes it feel very organic. Is this a digital piece or analog?
As a whole piece I feel it’s a bit of a loss you can still see the red gridlines underneath, they make if feel more unfinished than it really is. - Feedback: Alright, what can I improve on. Anything that is blatantly screaming at you? Where did I succeed? Am I writing too much? (don't answer that one
Hi @duh, I think you did a great job with your first perspective drawing.
Admittedly, perspective is very hard for me; however, I’ll offer some feedback for your consideration.
Things I like:
- Love the sketchiness feel and shading
- Love how you kept perspective lines to help you see through the room.
- Love how you asked this question in the community!
Things to improve:
- It appears you may have missed the right Vanishing Point (RVP). Notice the lines converge just below the Horizon Line (HL). You LVP is spot on.
- Everything feels realistic; however that door knob feels low on the door.
- Definitely suggest you back of the black ambient occlusions since the contrast takes my eyes to each shadow.
Overall, great work!
@niels Thank you for your response! This is an analog sketch using some cheap water color paper I picked up from 5 Below and some old pens and markers. I'm so glad you liked the bed, because it was giving me some problems. Happy you can't see that.
@jeremy-ross Thank you so much for your thorough response and being so supportive.
When taking this course, I think David had mentioned using string attached to his desk as a way to get the perspective correct. I totally stole this idea and gave it a try, and it was super helpful, but maybe my strings moved? Or my inking just got way out of control.
Either way, your mark ups is super useful to see. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this and give some great feedback.
You’re very welcome @duh! This community is great support group for those who ask for help.
Recommended reading: Perspective Made Easy by Ernest Norling. It’s a great book and stands the test of time.