New Book Just Released. Critiques appreciated.
I illustrated this book over a year ago but it just finally got released on Kindle (free for a short time) with the hardcover being available very soon. I tried to do things slightly different for this one to fit the flow of the story and it's probably my favourite one. If you have the time to check it out and leave a review and any thoughts about it on here too then it would be greatly appreciated
@gary-wilkinson I don’t have kindle stuff, but from the preview samples I saw it looks really great! I love the mood of the pages I got to see. I’m a big fan your art! I’ll try and pick up a copy when you’ve got them printed!
@asyas_illos Good news... I don't have a kindle either but I just clicked on the purchase prompt ( for $0.00) and it could open with icloud kindle reader.
Wow Gary,
Just downloaded the story and think it's just adorable. It also helps to have a fun, well written sorry to work with! Story time at the book store was a regular for us with my two kids.
I love how the style switched to chalk part way through and your spread with the red car was thought out so well, especially when you had so much to put in there! You did a great job, not too busy, smooth eye flow across the page and adorable characters. You should be proud and I see more books in your future! -
@larue thank you I’ll check it out!
Congratulations on your new book release @gary-wilkinson!
I loved the first book, so I’m sure this one is also awesome.
I clicked the link, but it wasn’t free in US, but I bought it anyway to support you.
I’ll definitely leave an honest review after reading later this evening after work.
@gary-wilkinson I love your illustrations samples in Amazon. Congratulations!