Advise on finished piece
Im currently frustrated with the result of my last watercolor painting. Want you guys to help me point out mistakes i should improve so my next one is a little less shitty.
Brutal honesty is welcomed. -
@joel-gómez-gallego the only thing that I can see, is that the pumas face seems a little more cartoony compared everything else, a little out of place too me. This really great watercolors though!
@asyas_illos im actually cheating at watercolors a bit, using staedler's karat watercolor pencils for texture and details.
As for the mistakes that bug me, i mainly dislike that i couldn't achieve consistency with the values and the light source. Also that the perspective and composition ended up looking wonky. And last, i can't stop seeing the "cicada" as a giant cockroach.
@joel-gómez-gallego hey was thinking back wheel on jeep out of place I would put bit further back but this piece is class
@joel-gómez-gallego I personally really like this it looks like something you’d see in a kids magazine. I Do see what you mean about values and I think maybe if you adjust the green area that is on the side of the Jeep closest to us it will help to sort it out a little, are you open to me doing a little draw over?
@Joel-Gómez-Gallego also sometimes wonky can work in your favor
@asyas_illos plz do, thank you very much.
so I basically just lightened up the background and darkened the foreground. I also adjusted the sizes of the cicada and the sloth since they are on the same tree the scale seemed a bit off. I highlighted the iguana too. And adjusted the puma eyes, sorry!but I think with just lighting changes that really helps separate the different levels in your illustration. Hope the adjustments I made help you!
@asyas_illos thanks!! It certainly changes a lot with those adjustments. I should start learning some digital editing to improve thevoutput of my stuff. Gonna actually save your edit as reference, thanks a lot.
@joel-gómez-gallego glad I could help
I would reconsider the positioning of the heads of the animals. They are currently posing for the picture, looking right at the camera, which creates a self-conscious image. That's fine if what you're going for is a first person perspective, where the animals notice us as we enter the jungle. However, they are all framing the Jeep, which suggests that the picture is about the jeep. So what do you want your story to be about? Is it about the vehicle driving through or is it about the viewer? Why are the animals looking at me instead of the car? Why aren't there any animals except for the ones in the foreground? What's mostly lacking for me is that clarity of: what is this image ABOUT? Who is the main character? Where do you want the viewer to look, and how do you want them to feel?