Help - perspective & anatomy
Hello artists!
I'm struggling with the anatomy and perspective of this piece, specifically with the dog and the person flying off of the sleigh. I didn't draw the rope going from the front right gentleman's hands to the dog yet, but the idea is that this family is being pulled by an overly enthusiastic australian shepherd and they become airborn as they crest a hill.
I couldn't, for the life of me, find a reference of a dog running from a top view and I'm not sure if the perspective and anatomy are working. I'm also super struggling with the body/legs of the person flying off the sleigh. I don't know how to make her feel like she's flying over the hill.
I included the reference I'm going off of for the feel of this illustration. I want it to feel exhilarating and a little dangerous, lol. This is for a personal family Christmas card.
Any help is very much appreciated! Thank you so so much!
@aprilshin I like it so far! As long as you have a rooster-tail of snow coming off the hill from the sled runners, it'll look very dynamic/speedy.
I can see what you're trying to do with the kid on the back following the arc of the sled, but people have a hard time bending that way. I've included some draw overs! You may just need to sketch a whole bunch of different potential poses and see which ones work best.
@braden-hallett Braden, thank you so much!! I see what you mean about the knees, lol. And youโre definitely right about my needing to try out more poses. I got fixated on that one for some reason. I love all the alternative poses you drew especially that last one! Iโll try again with your suggestions. Thank you again!
@aprilshin Hi! I feel like the dog is too much the same girth all the way to the back. Dogs generally are a bit thinner near the hind legs. I found a couple images with a google search to show you what I'm talking about.
Not sure if that helps.
@jessicalinnevans Ah yes, you have a good point. Thanks for helping me out, Jessica!