A Star is Born - November Critique Arena WIP
As I brainstormed around 'Star' for the November prompt I got an image of a character in my mind I couldn't get rid of. So I am running with it.
I thought about a Star being a Star. My idea is to have a kid dressed up as a star for a Xmas pageant and singing like he is one. But maybe he isn't as much of a star as he thinks?
Here is a basic character sketch:
So then I started doing thumbnails...
I starred the ones I am leaning towards, 4 & 5 on the first page and 9 on the second page.
I would like feedback on which thumbnails you like best and feel like they convey the idea best and why you like that thumb (if you know).
Also, is there anything I could add to the images to make them even funnier or more on point with the prompt?
Thanks in advance... I will be watching for other 'Star' WIPs and return the favor on any I see.
@theprairiefox I think I like 3,4,and 9. I think 3 would be my favorite if I could see just a smidge more of the stars face, it also has the tree which helps convey your Christmas pageant idea. Four and nine have a fun perspective, like he is singing his heart out and it's echoing in the rafters. This looks like a good way to do thumbs!